Selecting The Right Waterbed Mattress Pads

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How do I select the right waterbed mattress pads?

Selecting The Right Waterbed Mattress Pads

Waterbed mattress pads come in several styles. While they all protect the top of your waterbed mattress, they do have different features. Before you buy your waterbed mattress pads, you should:

1. Decide whether you need to protect the sides of your waterbed. A standard felt pad with corner straps does not protect the sides or bottom of the mattress, while a fitted pad keeps the top and sides of the mattress protected.
2. Consider your electric bill. A mattress pad with corner straps lets heat escape more rapidly than other models.
3. Think about whether you plan to wash the mattress pad frequently. Felt mattress pads have a tendency to pill up when they are washed, while cotton pads may shrink more rapidly than those made with other materials.



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