Mattress Links

Mattress Tip Book
Aero Beds
A Pillowtop aero bed
Caring for an aero air bed
Using aero beds outdoors
Sheets for a Pillowtop Aero Bed
The aero bed that's more like a regular bed
The deluxe aero bed
An Aero air beds for pets
Air Beds
Durable air beds
Self-inflating air beds
Setting up an air bed
Air beds and foam
Topping your air bed
Controls for your air bed
Air Mattresses
Air mattresses: adjustable comfort
Can I overinflate my air mattress?
The thickness of your air mattress
Air mattresses: adjustable firmness
This is not your father's camping air mattress
Air Mattresses and Pressure Points
Answer User Questions
Daybed and Trundle Bed Mattress Size
Cheap Mattresses
Cheap mattresses: what to look for
Testing a cheap mattress?
How can I save additional money on a cheap mattress?
How do coil counts affect a cheap mattress?
How do cheap mattresses differ from each other?
What do I look for in a cheap mattress?
Should I get a foundation to go with my cheap mattress?
Crib Mattresses
Choosing crib mattresses
Finding a comfortable crib mattress
Considerations when choosing a crib mattress
Does the crib mattress fit?
What to look for in a crib mattress
Shopping for a crib mattress
What is a daybed set?
Make your own daybed set
Daybed set frames
Daybed sets and kids' rooms
Using a daybed with trundle
What is included in a daybed set
How are traditional daybeds designed?
Firm Mattresses
Firm mattresses and warranties
Does a firm mattress help back pain?
Looking for a firm mattress
Hard data on a firm mattress
Finding a firm mattress
How firm is a firm mattress
Foam Futon
Futon Frame
Futon Mattress
Futon Covers
Measuring for a futon cover
Futon sofa covers
Futon covers
Leather futon covers
Make your own futon covers
Futon covers for futon sleepers
Futon Mattresses
How to take care of a futon bed mattress
Futon mattresses with coils
Caring for a futon bed mattress
The futon mattress
Choosing a futon mattress
The materials in a futon mattress
Inner Spring Mattresses
Pillow tops on an inner spring mattress
Firmness of an inner spring mattress
The skinny on the inner spring mattress
Does an inner spring mattress need a box spring?
Is an inner spring mattress good for back pain?
How thick should an inner spring mattress be?
Latex Foam
Latex Foam
Where can I find natural latex cushions?
Latex Mattress
Latex Foam Mattress
Latex Bed
Latex Pillow
Latex Foam Pillow
Latex Mattress
Deciding Whether Latex Beds are Right for You
Help Your Latex Beds Last Longer
Latex Beds and Allergies
Buying Latex Beds
The Benefits of Latex Beds
Using Heating Pads or Electric Blankets with Latex
Natural Heat in Latex Mattresses?
The Story with Natural Latex Mattresses
100% Latex Now Manufactured in the United States
What type of foam should I get, Latex or Memory Foam?
Latex for Stress
Weight Gain and Latex Foam
Fatigue and Latex
A Latex Mattress for Insomnia
Latex Mattress Topper
Should I go with 100% Natural Latex or Talalay Latex?
The Latex Foam Revolution
Latex Mattress vs. Memory Foam Mattress
Latex mattresses are a natural, biodegradable renewable resource.
A Natural latex mattress provide support where it is needed most by contouring to the body's natural nuances.
Natural latex is remarkably conducive to situations that require custom mattresses.
For those who struggle with allergies natural latex provides a safe haven as it is naturally hypoallergenic, and anti-microbial.
The Advantages of Latex mattresses have been tried, tested and proven in Europe for decades.
Other new age sleep systems cannot offer the same qualities as natural latex.
Air beds, such as sleep number beds, offer much less support and pressure point relief than natural latex.
Innerspring mattresses seem a thing of the past when compared to natural latex - they don't provide nearly the amount of support and customization opportunities.
Not prone to transfer movement
Mattress Pads
Magnetic mattress pads
Pads or Toppers?
The effectiveness of magnetic mattress pads
Heated mattress pads
Lambs wool mattress pads
Safety and Heated mattress pads
Mattress Sets
Finding the right queen mattress set
Handles on your mattress set
Finding the right mattress set
Non-flip mattress sets
Support on mattress sets
Shopping for a mattress set
How to Choose the Right Tempurpedic Mattress for You
Protect Your Tempurpedic Mattress Warranty
Cleaning Your Tempurpedic Mattress
Caring for Tempur Pedic Mattresses
Get Allergy Relief With Tempur Pedic Mattresses
Sleep Better with Tempur Pedic Mattresses
How Tempur-pedic Mattresses Work
Flipping Your Tempur-pedic Mattresses
Using New Tempur-pedic Mattresses
Using Electric Blankets with Tempur-pedic Mattresses
Mattress Sizes
King size mattresses
How mattress sizes add up
Get the right mattress size
What is a full size mattress?
Getting the mattress size right
How big is a queen size mattress?
How big is a king size mattress?
How firm a mattress?
Getting rid of an old mattress
Mattress fires
The modern air mattress
Turning a mattress
Specialty Sleep Buyer's Guide to Innerspring Mattresses
Specialty Sleep Buyer's Guide to Memory Foam Mattresses
Specialty Sleep Buyer's Guide to Waterbed Mattresses
Specialty Sleep Buyer's Guide to Choosing the Right Mattress
Specialty Sleep Buyer's Guide to Getting a Good Deal on a Mattress
Memory Foam
Memory Foam
Visco Elastic Memory Foam
Weight densities of memory foam
Caring for Memory Foam Pillows
How Memory Foam Pillows Work
Shopping for Memory Foam Pillows
Get Allergy Relief with Memory Foam Pillows
Sleep Better with Memory Foam Pillows
Using New Tempurpedic Pillows
Cleaning Wet Tempurpedic Pillows
Keep Your Spine Aligned with Memory Foam Pillows
Reduce Snoring With Tempurpedic Pillows
Travel Comfortably With Memory Foam Pillows
Memory Foam Pillow
Memory Foam Mattress Pad
Memory Foam Mattress Topper
Memory Foam Mattress Toppers
Memory Foam Pad
Memory Foam Topper
Memory Foam Toppers
Why a memory foam bed is better than a number bed
Memory Foam Mattress
Sleep Well With The Sealy Memory Foam Mattress
Caring For a Sealy Memory Foam Mattress
Using Memory Foam Covers
How Sealy Memory Foam Mattresses Work
Relax with Sealy Memory Foam Mattresses
Memory Foam Mattress
Why a memory foam mattress is better than an airbed
Why memory foam beds are better than spring form mattresses
Memory foam topper
Memory Foam for Stress
Weight Gain and Memory Foam
Memory Foam for Fatigue
A Custom Mattress for Insomnia
Mental Fatigue/inability to concentrate/memory loss and Memory Foam Pillow
Premature Aging and a Latex Pillow
Narcolepsy and Memory Foam Mattress Pads
Memory Foam for Muscle Aches and Soreness
Talalay Latex, Arthritis and Joint Pain
Latex for Bed Sores
Back and Neck Pain
Work or Sports-related injuries or accidents and Visco Elastic Memory Foam
A Custom Mattress for Sciatica
Fibromyalgia and Memory Foam
Irritability and a Latex Mattress
Pillow Top Mattresses
What should I look for in a pillow top mattress?
What are pillow top raised aerobeds
What is a pillow top mattress pad?
Adding a pillow top mattress pad
Pillow top air mattresses
Pillow top raised aerobeds
Find the right pillow top air mattress
Polyurethane Foam
About Polyurethane Foam
Polyurethane Foam Mattress
Low density polyurethane foam
Medium density polyurethane foam
High density / High resilience polyurethane foam
Foam for packaging and sound proofing
Waterbed Mattresses
Waterbed firmness
Adding conditioner to a water bed mattress
Waveless waterbed mattresses
Water beds and motion
The softside waterbed
Draining a water bed mattress
Protect Your Investment With Waterbed Mattress Pads
Selecting The Right Waterbed Mattress Pads
Childproof Your Waterbed With Waterbed Mattress Pads
Caring For Your Waterbed Mattress Pads
Save Energy With Waterbed Mattress Pads
Mattress Newsletter Archive
Self-inflating air beds
Memory Foam
Back and Neck Pain
Why memory foam beds are better than spring form mattresses
Memory Foam for Stress
A Custom Mattress for Sciatica
Caring for a futon bed mattress
Finding the right queen mattress set
Mental Fatigue/inability to concentrate/memory loss and Memory Foam Pillow
Support on mattress sets
About Polyurethane Foam
Pads or Toppers?
Latex for Bed Sores
Looking for a firm mattress
Narcolepsy and Memory Foam Mattress Pads
How mattress sizes add up
Fibromyalgia and Memory Foam
Pillow top air mattresses
Memory Foam Topper
What is a pillow top mattress pad?
Why a memory foam mattress is better than an airbed
Adding a pillow top mattress pad
Where can I find natural latex cushions?
Futon Frame
How big is a queen size mattress?
Should I go with 100% Natural Latex or Talalay Latex?
Weight densities of memory foam
Memory Foam Mattress Pad
The softside waterbed
A Latex Mattress for Insomnia
Waterbed firmness
Memory Foam Pillow
Latex for Stress
Latex Pillow
Draining a water bed mattress
Fatigue and Latex
Irritability and a Latex Mattress
Waveless waterbed mattresses
Weight Gain and Latex Foam
Adding conditioner to a water bed mattress
Memory Foam Mattress
Should I get a foundation to go with my cheap mattress?
What do I look for in a cheap mattress?
How do coil counts affect a cheap mattress?
How can I save additional money on a cheap mattress?
The thickness of your air mattress
Can I overinflate my air mattress?
Air mattresses: adjustable comfort
The deluxe aero bed
The aero bed that's more like a regular bed
Caring for an aero air bed
What are pillow top raised aerobeds
What should I look for in a pillow top mattress?
Getting the mattress size right
Get the right mattress size
Non-flip mattress sets
Safety and Heated mattress pads
The effectiveness of magnetic mattress pads
King size mattresses
Mattress fires
Getting rid of an old mattress
Is an inner spring mattress good for back pain?
Does an inner spring mattress need a box spring?
The skinny on the inner spring mattress
Firmness of an inner spring mattress
Pillow tops on an inner spring mattress
Measuring for a futon cover
Finding a firm mattress
Hard data on a firm mattress
How are traditional daybeds designed?
What is included in a daybed set
Using a daybed with trundle
Daybed sets and kids' rooms
Daybed set frames
Shopping for a crib mattress
Get Allergy Relief with Memory Foam Pillows
How Memory Foam Pillows Work
Caring for Memory Foam Pillows
Childproof Your Waterbed With Waterbed Mattress Pads
Selecting The Right Waterbed Mattress Pads
Protect Your Investment With Waterbed Mattress Pads
Relax with Sealy Memory Foam Mattresses
Caring For a Sealy Memory Foam Mattress
Sleep Well With The Sealy Memory Foam Mattress
Travel Comfortably With Memory Foam Pillows
Reduce Snoring With Tempurpedic Pillows
Specialty Sleep Buyer's Guide to Waterbed Mattresses
Specialty Sleep Buyer's Guide to Memory Foam Mattresses
Specialty Sleep Buyer's Guide to Innerspring Mattresses
Using Electric Blankets with Tempur-pedic Mattresses
Using New Tempur-pedic Mattresses
Flipping Your Tempur-pedic Mattresses
How Tempur-pedic Mattresses Work
Get Allergy Relief With Tempur Pedic Mattresses
Caring for Tempur Pedic Mattresses
The Benefits of Latex Beds
Latex Beds and Allergies
Help Your Latex Beds Last Longer
Deciding Whether Latex Beds are Right for You
What to look for in a crib mattress
Does the crib mattress fit?
Considerations when choosing a crib mattress
Choosing crib mattresses
Premature Aging and a Latex Pillow
Foam for packaging and sound proofing
High density / High resilience polyurethane foam
Finding a comfortable crib mattress
How thick should an inner spring mattress be?
Controls for your air bed
Using aero beds outdoors
A Pillowtop aero bed
Sheets for a Pillowtop Aero Bed
Topping your air bed
The modern air mattress
Air Mattresses and Pressure Points
How firm is a firm mattress
How firm a mattress?
How big is a king size mattress?
This is not your father's camping air mattress
Cheap mattresses: what to look for
How do cheap mattresses differ from each other?
Testing a cheap mattress?
Finding the right mattress set
Firm mattresses and warranties
Does a firm mattress help back pain?
What is a full size mattress?
Futon covers for futon sleepers
Choosing a futon mattress
Make your own futon covers
Futon covers
How to take care of a futon bed mattress
The materials in a futon mattress
Lambs wool mattress pads
Handles on your mattress set
Shopping for a mattress set
Turning a mattress
Heated mattress pads
Magnetic mattress pads
Futon Mattress
Latex Foam
Memory Foam Mattress Topper
Medium density polyurethane foam
Latex Mattress
Why a memory foam bed is better than a number bed
The Latex Foam Revolution
Latex mattresses are a natural, biodegradable renewable resource.
Talalay Latex, Arthritis and Joint Pain
Natural Heat in Latex Mattresses?
The Story with Natural Latex Mattresses
Using Heating Pads or Electric Blankets with Latex
What type of foam should I get, Latex or Memory Foam?
Natural latex is remarkably conducive to situations that require custom mattresses.
The Advantages of Latex mattresses have been tried, tested and proven in Europe for decades.
Memory Foam for Fatigue
Memory Foam for Muscle Aches and Soreness
Weight Gain and Memory Foam
Other new age sleep systems cannot offer the same qualities as natural latex.
Visco Elastic Memory Foam
Work or Sports-related injuries or accidents and Visco Elastic Memory Foam
100% Latex Now Manufactured in the United States
Memory Foam Mattress Toppers
Polyurethane Foam Mattress
Low density polyurethane foam
Latex Bed
Latex Foam Mattress
Latex Foam Pillow
Memory Foam Pad
Memory Foam Toppers
A Custom Mattress for Insomnia
Durable air beds
Water beds and motion
How to Choose the Right Tempurpedic Mattress for You
Protect Your Tempurpedic Mattress Warranty
Cleaning Your Tempurpedic Mattress
Specialty Sleep Buyer's Guide to Getting a Good Deal on a Mattress
Specialty Sleep Buyer's Guide to Choosing the Right Mattress
Buying Latex Beds
Caring For Your Waterbed Mattress Pads
Using Memory Foam Covers
How Sealy Memory Foam Mattresses Work
Keep Your Spine Aligned with Memory Foam Pillows
Shopping for Memory Foam Pillows
Cleaning Wet Tempurpedic Pillows
The futon mattress
Futon mattresses with coils
Air beds and foam
Setting up an air bed
Self-inflating air beds
Memory Foam
Back and Neck Pain
Why memory foam beds are better than spring form mattresses
Memory Foam for Stress
Caring for a futon bed mattress
Finding the right queen mattress set
Support on mattress sets
Pads or Toppers?
Looking for a firm mattress
How mattress sizes add up
Pillow top air mattresses
What is a pillow top mattress pad?
Adding a pillow top mattress pad
Find the right pillow top air mattress
How big is a queen size mattress?
Pillow top raised aerobeds
The softside waterbed
Waterbed firmness
Draining a water bed mattress
Waveless waterbed mattresses
Adding conditioner to a water bed mattress
Mattress Frequently Asked Questions
Want to learn more about Memory Foam?
What is a Memory Foam Mattress?
How can a Memory Foam Pillow help me?
Want to know more about a memory foam bed?
Want to learn more about a Memory Foam Mattress Pad?
What is a Memory Foam Mattress Topper?
Want to learn more about Memory Foam Mattress Toppers?
What is a Memory Foam Pad?
What is a memory foam topper?
Want to learm more about visco elastic memory foam?
What are memory foam toppers?
What is Latex Foam?
What is a Latex Mattress?
How can a Latex Foam Mattress benefit me?
What are the advantages of a latex bed?
What is a latex pillow?
How can a latex foam pillow help my neck pain?
What are my futon frame options?
What are the benefits of a foam futon mattress?
Where can I find natural latex foam cushions?
What is polyurethane foam?
What is a polyurethane foam mattress?
How can memory foam help alleviate stress?
How can weight gain be addressed with Memory Foam?
Will Memory Foam help fatigue?
Will Memory Foam help fatigue?
How can I a memory foam pillow help my health?
How can latex pillows affect my health?
What health benefits do memory foam mattress pads have?
How can memory foam help my health?
Is talalay latex good for my health?
How can latex help my health?
How can a memory foam topper help back pain?
Is visco elastic memory foam good for me?
Want to learn more about custom mattresses and health?
How can memory foam help fibromyalgia?
Can a latex mattress help my emotional health?
What´s the difference between a spring form mattress and memory foam?
What does density rating mean for memory foam?
What does low density polyurethane foam mean?
What does medium density polyurethane foam mean?
What does high density polyurethane foam mean?
Where can I find information on sound proofing with foam?
Can I use electric blankets with my latex foam mattress?
Is there more heat in latex?
What´s the big deal with latex mattresses?
What is Latex International?
Should I go with 100% Natural Latex or Talalay Latex?
What´s this talk about a latex revolution?
What type of foam should I get, Latex or Memory Foam?
Are latex mattresses biodegradable?
How does a latex mattress provide support?
Can I customize a latex mattress?
Will a latex mattress help with allergies?
But how long will a latex mattress last?
How long have latex mattresses been around?
Will a latex mattress be better than other types of mattresses?
How does a latex mattress compare to an air bed?
How does a latex mattress compare to regular spring form mattresses?
Is a latex mattress good for couples?
How is a pillowtop aero bed different from other aero beds?
How do I clean an aero air bed?
Can I use aero air beds outdoors?
Will my fitted sheets fit on a pillowtop aero bed?
What is an aero raised bed?
What are the advantages of a deluxe aero bed?
Are there aero air beds for pets?
How durable is an air bed?
How does the pump on my air bed work?
Are air beds easy to set up?
Why do some air beds use foam in their construction?
What is the purpose of a topper on an air bed?
Should I get dual controls for my adjustable air bed?
What are the advantages of an air mattress?
Can I overinflate my air mattress?
How thick should my air mattress be?
What about camping with air mattresses?
Why are air mattresses more comfortable?
How can I simplify shopping for a cheap mattress?
How should I shop for a cheap mattress?
What features matter on a cheap mattress?
What difference do coil counts make in a cheap mattress?
How long can I expect a cheap mattress to last?
Should I buy a cheap mattress without trying it out first?
Should I get a foundation to go with my cheap mattress?
Should I buy a cotton crib mattress?
What should I look for in a crib mattress?
What are important factors in considering a crib mattress?
What size crib mattress should I buy?
What density should I look for in a foam baby crib mattress?
Should I buy an inner spring crib mattress?
What is a daybed?
Can I make my own daybed set?
Can I get daybed frames to make my own daybed set?
Are daybed sets a good choice for kids' rooms?
What is a daybed with trundle?
What do you get in a daybed set?
How are daybeds engineered?
What kind of warranty should I get with a new firm mattress?
How should I shop for a firm mattress should I buy?
What kind of firm mattress should I buy?
Will a firmer mattress help my back pain?
How should I shop for a firm mattress?
Is it important to get a warranty with a new firm mattress?
How do I get the right size futon cover?
How do futon covers make futons easier to care for than an ordinary sofa?
Can I use new futon covers to get a new look for a futon?
Tell me about leather futon covers.
Can I make my own futon covers?
What futon covers should I buy for day versus night use?
How do I care for my futon mattress?
Do futon mattresses come with inner spring coils?
How can I help my futon mattress last longer?
What is the importance of a futon mattress in a futon bed?
How large a futon mattress should I buy?
How do the materials in a futon mattress affect it?
Do I need a pillow top with my inner spring mattress?
How do you determine the right firmness of an inner spring mattress?
Which manufacturer makes the best inner spring mattress?
Does an inner spring mattress need a box spring?
Is an inner spring mattress good for back pain?
How thick should an inner spring mattress be?
How firm a mattress should I buy?
How do I get rid of an old mattress?
What is the risk of a mattress fire?
How is today's air mattress different from older models?
How big is a king size mattress?
What about turning or flipping a mattress?
Do magnetic mattress pads work?
What is the difference between mattress pads and mattress toppers?
How do magnetic mattress pads work?
I want to learn about heated mattress pads.
What are the advantages of a wool mattress pad?
Are electric mattress pads safe?
What should I ignore when shopping for a mattress set?
What are those handles for on my mattress set?
How should I shop for mattress sets?
How should I select a mattress set?
Where should I look for extra support in a mattress set?
How can I find out how a mattress set is constructed?
Are mattress sizes consistent?
How do I get the right size mattress?
How big is a full size mattress?
What size mattress should I buy?
How big is a queen size mattress?
How what are the different types of king size mattresses?
What should I look for inr a pillow top mattress pad?
What is a pillow top raised aerobed?
What is a pillow top mattress?
How should I shop for a pillow top mattress pad?
Can I use a pillow top air mattress as a regular air mattress?
What are the advantages of a pillow top raised aerobed?
Do pillow top raised aerobeds come in different sizes?
How firm are waterbed mattresses?
When and how should I add conditioner to the water in my water bed mattress?
How do waveless waterbed mattresses work?
Are waves a problem in waterbed mattresses?
What are softside waterbeds?
How do I drain a waterbed?
Do you have to buy a special type of mattress for daybeds or trundle beds?
Should I shop for latex beds?
How can I help latex beds last longer?
Can latex beds cause allergies?
What should I look for when buying latex beds?
What are the benefits of latex beds?
How do I choose the right tempurpedic mattress?
How can I protect my Tempurpedic mattress warranty?
How do I clean my Tempurpedic mattress?
How do I care for Tempur Pedic mattresses?
Can Tempur Pedic mattresses help allergies?
Will I sleep better on Tempur Pedic Mattresses?
How do Tempur-pedic mattrasses work?
Should I flip my Tempur-pedic mattrasses?
Should I sleep on new Tempur-pedic mattrasses immediately?
Can I use electric blankets with Tempur-pedic mattrasses?
Is there a specialty sleep buyer's guide to innerspring mattresses?
Is there a specialty sleep buyer's guide to memory foam mattresses?
Is there a specialty sleep buyer's guide to waterbed mattresses?
Is there a specialty sleep buyer's guide to choosing the right mattress?
Is there a specialty sleep buyer's guide to getting a good deal on a mattress?
How should I care for memory foam pillows?
How do memory foam pillows work?
Are there any tips for shopping for memory foam pillows?
Can memory foam pillows provide allergy relief?
Why should I use memory foam pillows?
Should I use new Tempurpedic pillows right away?
How do I clean wet Tempurpedic pillows?
Can memory foam pillows help me sleep on my side?
Can Tempurpedic pillows reduce snoring?
Can memory foam pillows help me travel more comfortably?
Does the Sealy memory foam mattress really help people sleep better?
How do I care for a Sealy memory foam mattress?
Are memory foam covers useful?
How do Sealy memory foam mattresses work?
Can I use an adjustable base with a Sealy memory foam mattress?
Should I use waterbed mattress pads?
How do I select the right waterbed mattress pads?
Can waterbed mattress pads keep my waterbed safe?
How do I care for my waterbed mattress pads?
Can I reduce my energy bill with waterbed mattress pads?

Not finding the advice and tips you need on this Mattress Tip Site? Request a Tip Now!

Guru Spotlight
Barbara Gibson