Memory foam topper Tips

Read these 15 Memory foam topper Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Mattress tips and hundreds of other topics.

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How can I a memory foam pillow help my health?

Mental Fatigue/inability to concentrate/memory loss and Memory Foam Pillow

Memory loss is one of the many phenomenons in our everyday lives that is perfectly normal. However, it has the uncanny ability to create stress for a large number of individuals, particularly those in mid-life that are fearful of acquiring Alzheimer's disease. Someone truly concerned about their focus, concentration and memory should consult a Physician. If it is determined that sleep patterns are being disrupted, there are several options in the way of contour pillows that can help alleviate sleep difficulties, including a memory foam pillow. Memory foam pillows often include free delivery and are available in several variations including a 3lb contour pillow, a 4lb convention pillow and a 5lb sensus contour pillow. Keep in mind that there are severe problems that could be responsible for memory loss and disruptive sleep, including a lack of focus, poor diet and of course a disruptive sleep pattern. The stress that results from moments of memory loss no doubt contributes to all of these mentioned problems, and a professional doctor should always be consulted regarding any serious difficulties.

Want to learn more about custom mattresses and health?

A Custom Mattress for Sciatica

Every individual is different. The problems that can be caused by sciatica may have a number of solutions depending on the history of pain for the sufferer, and during the recovery process it's best to keep all options open. For people that need to make alterations to their bedding environment to accommodate sciatica, it may be necessary to put together a custom mattress. Latex, memory foam and polyurethane foam can all be used to build a custom mattress, depending on the restrictions that sciatica has brought on. This may even include developing a completely different sleep environment than your sleep partner, which is why it's best to find a mattress that can be customizable on his and her sides!

How can memory foam help alleviate stress?

Memory Foam for Stress

Stress in the most general sense refers to any reaction to a physical, mental, social, or emotional stimulus that enacts an alteration to the way we think, perform or feel. In this light, stress is anything having to do with change and how we react to it. Without a doubt, some people respond to stress in different ways than others. For some it takes more of a toll on mental energy and for others it manifests in the form of physical ailments including sleep deprivation. Lack of sleep in of itself can be a leading cause of stress, and it is in these important cases that the benefits of new foam technologies like latex foam, memory foam and polyurethane foam can help promote a change in irregular sleeping patterns. Memory foam products including the memory foam topper, memory foam beds and memory foam pillows have been shown to reduce and even eliminate the need to readjust the body during sleep. Consumers have noted that they are able to rest in one position for hours, even the entire night. Because almost all body organs react to stress, there is a multi-front battle that needs to be fought in order to reduce pressure points on the body (which create bone stress) so a more restful night can eliminate organ stress and eventually remove certain types of psychological stress altogether.

Will Memory Foam help fatigue?

Memory Foam for Fatigue

Fatigue in the clinical sense refers to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) and is not classified as a disease, but rather attempts to describe the condition that results from any combination of factors including aching muscles and joints, anxiety, depression, difficulty concentrating, poor memory, fever, headaches, low blood pressure, intestinal problems and pain, irritability, environmental sensitivities, jaundice, loss of appetite, mood swings, muscle spasms, night sweats and more. Any or all of these symptoms can drastically weaken the immune system, and while it is not necessarily life-threatening, it cannot be cured. This is because each symptom must be addressed individually, and this is where new technology foam products can help, particularly in reference to memory foam (although latex foam and polyurethane foam can also certainly help). Memory foam is a material developed by NASA to help astronauts be more comfortable during a space launch. What they stumbled upon was a bedding technology that creates the feeling of weightlessness during sleep – meaning that pressure points on the body are dramatically reduced. This material can be particularly helpful for individuals interested in reducing sub-symptoms of CFS such as aching muscles and joints. For people suffering from physical discomfort in the bedroom, products such as memory foam toppers, pillows and mattresses might be worth exploring.

How can weight gain be addressed with Memory Foam?

Weight Gain and Memory Foam

As is the case with all physical ailments, there are a wide variety of factors that go into creating certain conditions. Weight gain is no exception. By definition, obesity refers to anyone who is 20 percent over the normal weight for his or her age, sex, build and height. More specifically, obesity is determined by the ratio of body fat to body weight. 25% is considered healthy for women and 17% for men. However, in this context we are discussing those individuals who are facingobesity – or suddenly finding themselves on the way there. This is sometimes the result of a life style change and often related to stress, particularly as manifested in sleep deprivation. Certain types of stress, including the physical stress of an uncomfortable sleeping environment, can result in sleep-deprivation which can lead to weight gain. For individuals who are facing this problem, foam products are a possible solution. Memory foam in particular is a more viable alternative to fad products like air beds and number beds, not only because it is more affordable, but also because it is more durable and long lasting. A three inch memory foam topper, for example, can conform to the contours of the body just as much or more than a number bed, and can also be customized for his and her sides. As pressure points are reduced and even eliminated on bones, joints and muscles, the likelihood of achieving a restful night's sleep is dramatically increased. For individuals suffering from a form of sleep-related weight gain, a memory foam mattress, pillow or topper could help.

How can memory foam help my health?

Memory Foam for Muscle Aches and Soreness

Many people experience muscle cramps during the night. Cramps of this nature commonly affect the legs, particularly the calf muscles, and the feet. They also occur more frequently in older adults than they do in children. Because there are a number of reasons for aches and pains during the night, some of which can be quite serious, a medical professional should always be consulted to ensure you have all basis covered. It may be that the individual has to reduce pressure-points on the joints and bones during sleep, which memory foam is perfect for. A Mattress, topper or pillow is the ideal form to purchase memory foam in, and it is common to find it in high quality 3lb or 5lb variations, rather than the low quality 2lb variations that permeate specialty stores.

Can a latex mattress help my emotional health?

Irritability and a Latex Mattress

Lack of sleep can make anyone irritable. In fact, it can be one of the leading causes to a day that seems to be on edge. At one time or another, almost every aspect of our modern, urban lifestyle seems to create some sort of stress or discomfort that can result in sleep loss. In these instances when it's hard to focus and achieve a restful break for the world around us, it may be helpful to acquire a latex mattress to aid in getting some good shut-eye. A latex mattress is hypoallergenic and can be purchased as a Natural Lux mattress or as a Haven, made from Talalay latex. Latex is all-natural and offers a durability and support that often lasts longer than conventional spring-form mattresses.

Is visco elastic memory foam good for me?

Work or Sports-related injuries or accidents and Visco Elastic Memory Foam

It's important to note that a sprain is not the same thing as a strain. Putting a lot of weight or stress on muscles for a prolonged period of time can cause them to strain, which may eventually develop into spasms, knots and other forms of discomfort. A sprain is when the ligament is stretched excessively and may tear. After individuals have sought the appropriate medical attention by a doctor, the recovery process can be helped with new sleeping technologies like Visco Elastic Memory Foam. This is a type of foam engineered to reduce pressures on the joints and bones during sleep, particularly in cases of high stress. It can be made into a number of bedding materials including memory foam pillows, memory foam toppers and memory foam mattresses. For individuals looking for the highest quality Visco elastic memory foam, it is recommended to seek out weights (weight denotes quality) of 3lb or more.

Is talalay latex good for my health?

Talalay Latex, Arthritis and Joint Pain

Arthritis is the inflammation of one or more joints. It is possible for bone growths or spurs to develop in the affected joints, increasing pain and decreasing mobility. For individuals who need to reduce the amount of pressure points on their bones and joints during sleep, a Talalay latex topper can be a favorable solution. Talalay is a material made from natural latex that is long lasting and distributes the weight of the body over sleeping surfaces. It is also good for the allergies as it is anti-microbial, hypo-allergenic and resistant to dust-mites.

How can memory foam help fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia and Memory Foam

Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FMS) is a rheumatic disorder characterized by chronic achy muscular pain that has no obvious physical cause. Like common types of back disorders, it most commonly affects the lower back, and acute pain develops over time starting as a dull pain and eventually escalating. Some individuals, after consulting a medical professional, may need to introduce new materials into their bedroom to help heal from the ailment. Memory foam is one such material that is beginning to be recommended more and more by medical professionals, not only for its accessibility in bedding products such as pillows, mattresses and toppers, but also for its affordability when compared to more hyped and expensive products like number beds and air mattresses.

How can a memory foam topper help back pain?

Back and Neck Pain

Back ache or some form of neck pain affects the vast majority of Americans sometime during the course of their lives (over 80%). The most common manifestation is in the lower back, and acute back pain typically starts slowly and builds up over time as tissue, tendons and bones degenerate. Individuals suffering from acute back pain should also consult a physician for appropriate long term solutions, but in some cases a memory foam topper has proven helpful. Memory foam is a material engineered by NASA that reduces pressure points during sleep. Memory foam toppers can be found in 3lb and 5lb weights (weight denotes quality for memory foam, 3lb and up is considered high-quality and under 3lb is considered low quality).

What health benefits do memory foam mattress pads have?

Narcolepsy and Memory Foam Mattress Pads

Premature aging, particularly in western culture, is unfortunately becoming more and more common. The constant everyday stresses of an urban lifestyle no doubt contribute, as the body functions best when periods of stress are offset by periods of rest and calm. Although a Doctor should always be consulted to preclude more serious conditions such as nutritional deficiencies, there are modern sleep products that can help individuals get the necessary relaxation they need. One such innovation is the latex pillow, a contour pillow made from all natural latex that is anti-microbial, anti-mildew, resistant to dust mites and offers incredibly long lasting support. For individuals interested in learning more about latex pillows, it is important to look for reputable brands like the Natura Ultimate, The Talalay Pillow, and the Natural Lux Pillow.

Will Memory Foam help fatigue?

A Custom Mattress for Insomnia

Insomnia is one of the more prevalent sleep-related conditions in America today. One of every ten Americans is affected by it, and nearly 30% of seniors. There is no distinction between not being able to fall asleep when you first go to bed, or waking up in the middle of the night without being able to go back to sleep. Certainly it is a frustrating situation, and more often than not it is a temporary condition that plays off of external stress factors including relationship troubles, work anxiety or any number of other sudden changes. In the cases where it is not temporary, there may be serious psychological challenges including grief or some form of mental disorder. In cases where it is temporary, there are steps that can be taken in the bedroom to help reduce or even eliminate the problem. Many forms of temporary insomnia reflect a less than optimum sleep environment, something that can be alleviated by acquiring a custom mattress made from either latex foam, memory foam or polyurethane foam. These foam mattresses can not only be customized on his or her sides (different firmness preferences between couples can be a cause of temporary insomnia), but they can also be built from materials like memory foam that reduce and in some cases eliminate pressure points during sleep. The result can be a rapid change in sleeping patterns and a favorable alternative to more expensive solutions like air beds and number beds.

How can latex pillows affect my health?

Premature Aging and a Latex Pillow

Premature aging, particularly in western culture, is unfortunately becoming more and more common. The constant everyday stresses of an urban lifestyle no doubt contribute, as the body functions best when periods of stress are offset by periods of rest and calm. Although a Doctor should always be consulted to preclude more serious conditions such as nutritional deficiencies, there are modern sleep products that can help individuals get the necessary relaxation they need. One such innovation is the latex pillow, a contour pillow made from all natural latex that is anti-microbial, anti-mildew, resistant to dust mites and offers incredibly long lasting support. For individuals interested in learning more about latex pillows, it is important to look for reputable brands like the Natura Ultimate, The Talalay Pillow, and the Natural Lux Pillow.

How can latex help my health?

Latex for Bed Sores

Bed sores are deep ulcers that form when pressure is exerted over bony areas of the body for extended periods of time. This causes circulation to be restricted and can lead to the death of cells in the effected tissue. Common locations for bed sores are on the heels, buttocks, hips, sacrum, and shoulder blades. For individuals faced with this ailment it is necessary to consult a medical professional to help rejuvenate the afflicted areas. However, it can also be helpful to acquire a latex topper, which can help distribute the weight of the body and reduce pressure points during sleep. Latex toppers, such as a natural lux topper, are resistant to allergens and can reduce allergies in the bedroom. The material is also remarkably durable and long lasting, often retaining its form for years to come.

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