Latex Mattress vs. Memory Foam Mattress Tips

Read these 10 Latex Mattress vs. Memory Foam Mattress Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Mattress tips and hundreds of other topics.

Latex Mattress vs. Memory Foam Mattress Tips has been rated 3.3 out of 5 based on 744 ratings and 8 user reviews.
Is a latex mattress good for couples?

Not prone to transfer movement

The independent cell construction of natural latex is not prone to transfer movement, allowing two people to comfortably share the same bed without disrupting each other with every motion.

Are latex mattresses biodegradable?

Latex mattresses are a natural, biodegradable renewable resource.

Beginning on plantations in Malaysia and Indonesia, latex is sap milked from rubber trees in a manner not unlike collecting maple syrup. Local workers harvest the liquid latex and prepare it to be processed. The liquid latex is then shipped in drums to locations in Europe and the United States where it is manufactured into mattress cores and toppers, as well as pillows. Unlike Talalay processed latex foams, natural latex has no added petroleum or other chemical additives making it a truly all natural material. Being a 100% renewable resource, as well as biodegradable, natural latex does not have the taxing effect on the environment as other conventional bedding material.

Can I customize a latex mattress?

Natural latex is remarkably conducive to situations that require custom mattresses.

Available in a wide range of firmness levels, it is simple to build a mattress that caters to an individual's needs: his and her sided beds, toppers, and more. Because of the wide variety of firmness variations available,natural latex mattresses can help ensure you feel as comfortable as possible when it matters most. Integrating an open cell structure with a pin core design allows for maximum breathability essential for removing excess heat and moisture that can prevent a good night's sleep.

Will a latex mattress help with allergies?

For those who struggle with allergies natural latex provides a safe haven as it is naturally hypoallergenic, and anti-microbial.

This means that molds, mildew, and dust mites that may help trigger allergies will not be waiting for you in your latex bed, where they can be the most frustrating.

How long have latex mattresses been around?

The Advantages of Latex mattresses have been tried, tested and proven in Europe for decades.

Unlike the plethora of new age sleep systems available today, latex mattresses have been tried and tested in Europe for over twenty years. Their ability to withstand the test of time as well as provide an all-natural sleep surface that conforms to the contours of the body is finally beginning to catch hold in the United States.

But how long will a latex mattress last?


A naturally resilient and durable material, a natural latex mattress will supply consistent performance for 20 years or more.

How does a latex mattress compare to an air bed?

Air beds, such as sleep number beds, offer much less support and pressure point relief than natural latex.

They are non-breathable bladders full of air so they offer no way to keep moisture and heat from building up during the night. The only advantage of this type of mattress is its adjustability, which is only an advantage to those who enjoy varying firmnesses.

How does a latex mattress provide support?

A Natural latex mattress provide support where it is needed most by contouring to the body's natural nuances.

A natural latex mattress relieves pressure points, particularly at the shoulders and hips, and it allows for better circulation with less tossing and turning. The result is a deeper, more restful slumber.

How does a latex mattress compare to regular spring form mattresses?

Innerspring mattresses seem a thing of the past when compared to natural latex - they don't provide nearly the amount of support and customization opportunities.

Frequent tossing and turning is the result of pressure points caused by a rigid spring system. The batting material in the cover cultivates any amount of dust mites, molds, and fungi giving them free range to reek havoc on allergies. Motion is easily transferred through the mattress decreasing the quality of sleep for couples. It is clear why the standard is changing.

Will a latex mattress be better than other types of mattresses?

Other new age sleep systems cannot offer the same qualities as natural latex.

Viscoelastic (memory) foam offers good support and relieves pressure points, but comes up short in other areas. It is a chemical product that is not biodegradable and as such it is not environmentally friendly. It doesn't breathe like natural latex, which translates to a more stuffy and sticky sleeping environment.Memory foam easily retains moisture and is an environment prone to dust mites and molds, leaving allergy sufferers sniffing and congested during what should be the most restful time of the day. Being far less resilient than natural latex, viscoelastic foam has a lifespan of only about 10 years, meaning it will need to be replaced twice as often.

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